Knowing that God wants us to be faithful and generous givers, we counsel, guide, and direct our church in the management of finances. Our elders review and analyze financial statements to direct the mission of our church, stewarding well the resources given to the church by our people.
Each year, an annual budget is presented to the church body for review, analysis, questions, and approval. The operating budget is fundamental to our accountability, transparency, and integrity.
The Lord has been faithful to our church over decades of ministry, and He continued His faithfulness throughout 2023.
You can save time by giving online! With the convenience of setting up recurring giving or making one-time gifts, you can streamline your donation process and make a meaningful impact.
Make checks payable to Victory Fellowship.
Our mailing address is:
974 Pomona Rd, Dickson TN 37055
Contribute when you join us on Sunday morning for worship, supporting our shared mission and community goals.